
Subcarpathian Businessman

Priority: Regional human resources
Measure: 8.1. Development of staff and enterprises in the region
Submeasure: 8.1.2 Support for adaptation and modernization in the region,
Operational Programme Human Capital

Project is being implemented from 01st January 2009 to 31st July 2011

The main objectives are:

  • support entrepreneurship among the 50 beneficiaries dismissed from their jobs;
  • support in the creation of at least 30 small businesses in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship until July 2011.

The project participants are people of working age who have no employment, having at least secondary or vocational education, living in Subcarpathian Voivodeship. What is relevant employment of these persons has expired or been terminated for reasons not related to employees during the last six months before joining the project, and they worked in krosnienski, przemyski, jaroslawski, mielecki, jasielski, rzeszowski, brzozowski, strzyzowski, sanocki, stalowowolski, tarnobrzeski Districts or towns Rzeszow, Krosno, Tarnobrzeg. The project Final Beneficiaries participated in the training of starting and running your own business (48h/beneficiary) and benefited from the basic individual counseling in the preparation of applications for financial support including Business Plan (4h/beneficiary).

As for now, the following grants has been given:

  • 40 000 PLN (max.) investment grants for 31 people;
  • 1 276 PLN/month for the first 6 months of business for 31 people;
  • 1 276 PLN/month for another 6 months of business for 11 people;
  • 31 people benefit from expert individual advice on "Marketing and promotion", "Acquisition of external funds for development of the company, " "Aspects of financial - accounting business."
realizacja: ideo
PROCARPATHIA 35-098 Rzeszów, ul. Gałęzowskiego 6/319 | tel. 017 852-85-26 | e-mail: